Marine Jobs

Southwest Shipyard

Extravaganza Yacht

Greater Scott

GGS Atlantic

Cool C

Big E

Anna M

Sea Angel

The Madam

Miss Claire
Extravaganza Yacht
68' Tiffany Fisherman.
The new owner of this beautiful boat hired Signal to upgrade the electronics package and reconfigure the helm console. The completed system will include seven (7) networked multi-function displays, twelve (12) high definition cameras (including thermal), on-board wifi, and much more. The project should be completed soon and we'll post pictures and details.
Greater Scott
m/v “Greater Scott” Texas Crewboats - Freeport, TX 160’ Crewboat – Built 2008 Signal Electronics supplied and installed a state-of-art electronics system on the “Greater Scott” built by Neuville Boat Works. Outfitted with our signature flush mount console design, Signal featured Furuno communication and navigation equipment. Satellite TV, stereo, intercom, public address, and a cellular café in the passenger area rounded out the high tech package.
EQUIPMENT LIST • 1954C Radar - 12Kw, 72 mile, 15” Color LCD Display (Dual installation) • Electronic chart plotter with radar over-lay and redundant GPS sensors • FA150 AIS integrated with the radar and plotter • Navpilot 500 autopilot • 1Kw black box depth sounder • FS1503 SSB radio • NX700 paperless Navtex receiver • FAX30 weather facsimile receiver displays weather data, charts, & satellite images • FM3000 VHF radios with Digital Selective Calling • Wireless VHF remotes to lower decks • LH3000 Loud Hailer & Intercom • Broadpoint voice and fax cellualar • Seatel Satellite TV Coastal Series Antenna System • Speco Technologies Video Cameras monitor deck, passenger area, and engine room
GGS Atlantic
r/v “GGS Atlantic” Global Geo Services 180’ Research Vessel – Refit 2007 After years in mothballs the GGS Atlantic was completely refurbished and rigged for seismic exploration. Signal Electronics redesigned the wheelhouse console and built a new electronics system. A total navigation and communication package was installed. Signal also provided V-Sat communications, satellite TV, telephones, intercom, video cameras, steering controls, and a full GMDSS package.
EQUIPMENT LIST • Furuno 1954C Radar - 12Kw, 72 mile, 15” Color LCD Display • Furuno FAR2117 IMO radar with 20” monitor • Electronic chart plotter with radar over-lay • MaxSea NavNet Explorer navigation software • FA150 AIS integrated with the radar and plotter • Navpilot 500 autopilot with NFU and FU steering controls • RD30 digital organizer • Furuno RC1820 GMDSS console system • Full featured 1Kw black box and FCV 1100 depth sounders • Seatel V-Sat communications and satellite TV systems • NX700 paperless Navtex receiver • FAX30 weather facsimile receiver displays weather data, charts, & satellite images • LH3000 Loud Hailer & Intercom • Furuno SC100 GPS gyro system • Vodavi telephone system • Speco Technologies Video Cameras
Cool C
Casey Cundieff – Freeport, TX 42’ Yellow Fin – 2009 With 1,050 HP and the best electronics available, this beauty will get it done. Signal Electronics installed the latest Furuno 3D radar and plotter equipment as well as an autopilot, VHF, and a powerful Furuno black box sounder. Even at speeds in excess of 60 MPH Casey will confidently navigate to his destination. A thermal night vision camera makes the job a lot safer.
EQUIPMENT LIST • Furuno NavNet 3D MFD12 multifunction displays • Furuno DRS4A radar sensor • Electronic chart plotter w/radar over-lay and satellite imagery • Navpilot 511 autopilot • Standard Horizon Quantum GX5000S with remote control • Full featured 1Kw black box sounder
Big E
It didn’t take long for the “Big E” to establish itself as the premier fishing vessel in the Gulf of Mexico. Owner Elliott Cundieff called upon Signal Electronics to assemble an electronics package of equal excellence. Signal selected Furuno equipment to compose the extensive navigation, communication, and fish finding system. Additionally, Signal installed cctv cameras, stereo, public address, and a satellite TV system. FURUNO NAVNET VX2 BASED SYSTEM • 1954C Radar - 12Kw, 72 mile, 12” Color LCD Display (Dual installation) • Electronic chart plotter with radar over-lay • CH250 Furuno Search Light sonar • FA150 AIS integrated with the radar and plotter • Navpilot 500 autopilot • Full featured 1Kw & 3 kw black box depth sounders • FS1503 SSB radio • NX700 Navtex receiver • FAX30 weather facsimile receiver displays weather data, charts, & satellite images • FM3000 VHF radios with Digital Selective Calling • LH3000 Loud Hailer & Intercom • Seatel Satellite TV Antenna System to 3 large LCD screens • Speco Technologies Video Cameras monitor deck, passenger area, and engine room • Vessel-wide intercom, public address, and stereo system • Radar, plotter, and sonar pictures are viewable on TV screens in passenger area. -
Anna M
Offshore Oil Services - Freeport, TX 145’ Crewboat – Built 2006. Signal Electronics suggested a complete new console design for the new addition to Offshore Oil Services crewboat fleet. The crew at Breaux Baycraft Shipyard in Loriville, LA crafted a highly functional and modern wheelhouse for the new vessel. Using the latest in navigation and communication technology from Furuno USA, Signal was able to exceed our customers’ expectations again.
FURUNO NAVNET VX2 BASED SYSTEM · 1954C Radar - 12Kw, 72 mile, 10.4” Color LCD Display (Dual installation) · Electronic chart plotter with radar over-lay and redundant GPS sensors · FA150 AIS integrated with the radar and plotter · Navpilot 500 autopilot · RD30 digital organizers provide navigational data & rudder position at both helm stations · Full featured 1Kw black box depth sounder · FS1503 SSB radio & DSC 60 Watch Receiver · NX700 paperless Navtex receiver · FAX30 weather facsimile receiver displays weather data, charts, & satellite images · FM3000 VHF radios with Digital Selective Calling · LH3000 Loud Hailer & Intercom · Seatel Satellite TV Coastal 14M Antenna System · Speco Technologies Video Cameras monitor deck, passenger area, and engine room
The Madam
Signal Electronics supplied and installed all of the electronics on "The Madam" at Swiftships Shipyard in Freeport. -
Miss Claire
m/v “Miss Claire” Texas Crewboats - Freeport, TX 155’ Crewboat – Built 2006 Signal Electronics custom installed a Furuno dominated electronics package with an innovative modern console design. When Neuville Boat Works delivery the “Miss Claire” it set a new standard for its class. This vessel is a good example of a forward thinking boat owner allowing an innovative electronics company to provide the best equipment and installation available anywhere.
Equipment used: FURUNO NAVNET VX2 BASED SYSTEM • 1954C Radar - 12Kw, 72 mile, 15” Color LCD Display (Dual installation) • Electronic chart plotter with radar over-lay and redundant GPS sensors • FA150 AIS integrated with the radar and plotter • Navpilot 500 autopilot • Full featured 1Kw black box depth sounder • FS1503 SSB radio • NX700 paperless Navtex receiver • FAX30 weather facsimile receiver displays weather data, charts, & satellite images • FM3000 VHF radios with Digital Selective Calling • LH3000 Loud Hailer & Intercom • Seatel Satellite TV Coastal 14M Antenna System • Speco Technologies Video Cameras monitor deck, passenger area, and engine room
Security Jobs

Freeport Security and Surveillance Project

Freeport Welding and Fabricating, Inc.
Freeport Welding and Fabricating, Inc.
Provided on-site camera system to enhance safety, security, and productivity.